Thursday, December 30, 2010


so tonight we went butterfactory! gwen and tricia went clubbing for the first time. we got them to line up early since tricia was using my ID but since they were at the front and waiting for ages the bouncer just stamped them without checking :O jhansi and i were like waiting 1.5hrs to get in just cos of stupid VIP =@ should have just went to the normal line :( but butterfactory is alright...since it was ladies night it was sausage was extra crowded as well cos it was the last ladies night of the year apparently and everyone is on holidays =.= but yeah andrew t is pretty good aye :) should be fun to have him dj for one of our events! taxi is soo cheap here WIN! :)
i'm scared i'll come back with a singlish accent :( years eve is pretty much tmr! haven't got anything planned yet =\ but i think singapore will be too crowded for me to enjoy anything anyways =[ whee i get to go home on the 2nd of jan :) cannot wait to sleep in my comfy bed :):):) hehe can't wait to catch up with everyone in perth again :) but i gotta deal with my oneitis first :(

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


giggle your way to perfection


Thursday, December 23, 2010

v.zouk fail

so tonight we attempted to get the juvie sisters into zouk which epically failed. jhansi and i got in but yeah div and tricia no go. freaking hell phuture maxed out within the hour we got there and mambo is so ... but i must say zouk has pretty alright looking boys as well as fucking hot cars ! the parking was full of lambos, bentleys, porsches, bmws, mercedes and mostly audis! audi cars are sooo hot ! i want :(
also i think i'm selling my car so if anyone wants to buy a peugeot 308 tell me :)

i think i'm going to try go butterfactory with nicole next week! she's back on monday so hopefully will  be able to get out :)i really really wanna come clubbing with the girls in singapore! butterfactory ladies night is free entry plus free flow till 1am! :) :) so hong kong is pretty much booked 6th jan yay! just waiting on flight back to perth! jackie and i are hopefully going to stay at cosmopolitan hotel :$ hopefully it wont be fail :)

2011 is next week and it is christmas eve tomorrow! kinda freaky that 2010 has passed by so fast...2010 was it ave year? ha ha ha...
now today my mother asked what i wanted for christmas! i guess for xmas i got the hong kong trip so i'm pretty satisfied :) wonder what is on everyone else's wish list =\

Monday, December 20, 2010

i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want pizza :(
cheesy pizza too! but my dad just looks at me like a retard for eating pizza when you're in asia -.-
but i've been craving it for the past week :( hehe jackie is craving it too =x
if only we were in perth together we'd have a cheesy pizza party right now!

so now i'm in singapore yay! totally love the new apartment although it's noisy cos of the road outside being a busy one =.= it's like 1am and the city is STILL not asleep! perth really is a dead pos =.=
but food is yummy as always =) had roti, carrot cake, famous amos cookies and chilli crab yummy! i still want pizza! pizza in singapore is freaking yummy its soo fresh and not like dominos perth ...

tmr i'm going orchard :) finally get to start shopping yay! hopefully forever 21 has some stuff ! oh oh oh and on wednesday i'm going to butterfactory for the first time :o i saw the pictures of the place online it looks pretty good :) ladies night yay! free entry yay! free flow yay!
i'm going to dye my hair again. possibly tmr or the day after :) yay!

i'm hungry!

Friday, December 17, 2010


so tomorrow night i leave bangkok for dear old singapore! should be fun to go down orchard road and look for clothes :) and seeing the apartment for the first time! i wanna buy heels from aldo!!

i felt so fat today :( gna like cut down on eating so much...melt me chocolate fudge is sooo good =x but i don't really know what's that great about krispy kremes.i have never seen so many people line up for krispy kremes so many days in a row. the lines start around 9am in the morning and doesn't really die down till late at night =\ AND they each buy like 24 donuts each D: freaking crazy!
i've been eating so much unhealthy crap i'm breaking out :( when i get back to perth bikrum with jess and lots of water and healthy food :)

today's bridget's birthday as well. nine years old this year meaning ten for her and twenty for me next year :(
next year is coming pretty soon :) pretty exciting! so much to look forward too and organise :)
i think i'm going to plan hongkong from the 5th or 6th of jan till the 10 or 11th of jan so that we are back in perth for jackie's birthday to spend with dear jessica :) two decades we've pretty much lived start to wonder how much you've accomplished and whether that has really been enough and what was expected of your life so far =\ oh wells...another decade ends as a new one begins with new things to look forward too and experience!

Monday, December 13, 2010


so lately our perfection has entered our lives but things don't seem to be going to plan =\
i guess even if they are our perfection it doesn't mean we are theirs. all we can do is try and change to be their perfection and hopefully they will be ours :) 
whether it be shedding a few more kilos, changing our hairstyle, wearing things differently, changing the way we walk and talk just for it being fake? or is it really just bettering ourselves?

whatever it is, perfection for each of us seems to really exist and whatever your goals are my dear i'm sure you'll be able to achieve since he's a want and need you cannot live without :x  you've been able to have a taste and there's nothing wrong with wanting more :$ *giggle* 

leaving early tomorrow morning for bangkok and singapore hopefully to hong kong for a few days too :) it'd be interesting to party it up with the asia crowd they seem like a pretty lively bunch haha. sago is still deciding between taiwan and summerdayze i think =\ i want to buy new heels and dresses...wldn't mind boots too but it's not winter in bangkok or ever -.- wlda been fun to count down for new years together with the girls but i guess there is always next year :) 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


really soon :(

Saturday, December 11, 2010


so results came out tonight! passed all units yay!
now i just got to figure out what units i can do in which order so i won't be so loner :x
next year should be stuff, uni stuff and fling stuff ;)
summer flings seem to be the in the at the moment with the girls...something quite different and interesting to experience haha :) i wonder where it'll take us ;)
i hope things do work out for the best tho =\

i leave in a few days i don't really know how i'm going to survive a holiday with my family...i haven't been overseas with them in a while let alone been with them 24/7 with no escape...i might die aye =\
oh wells..i guess i do need a break from perth and cs. i'm going to get so many greys from cs :(

Friday, December 10, 2010


perhaps it's not meant to be,
perhaps it's not meant to be now,

maybe the time's just not right yet,
or maybe i'll just sit around and wait for the moment to come..

but hey,
what's the fun in that?

Monday, December 6, 2010


& there you were,
standing amongst the crowd,
and my heart kind of went
"oh look, that's him."


i can't wait...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


if i don't stop thinking soon,
my head is going to explode.

no seriously.