Saturday, September 18, 2010


Day 18 - The person that you wish you could be


that is all

why are asian anesthesiologists fail? >=(

because this is the result:
  1. getting drip needle injected into hand - digs around....can't get vein
  2. leaves needle in there to get another  - is like don't worry i'll take it out when you're asleep
  3. injects another needle in upper forearm near elbow - digs around...finds vein...finally
  4. leaves it in for a few hours for the drip
  5. next day....

day after injection - 18/09/10

stupid bitch >=(


i want to...

...go to korea for a few months to learn korean
...go to taiwan for a few months to learn chinese
...finish uni before 25
...get my laptop fixed

i shall add more later :) eighteen

i wish i could be smart
so i could choose to study whatever i liked and didn't have a problem in switching careers whenever i wanted

i wish i could be talented
so i could get called by a talent scout and become a singer and make bagillions

i wish i could know what i want
so that i have a goal in life and knowledge when making decisions for myself

i wish i could be skinner and lankier
so i could look hot in dresses :x

i wish i could be more friendly when meeting people
so that i could learn to socialise more

i wish i could be less judgmental and pessimistic
so i could be happier with what i have

i wish i could be more last minute and not freak out
so i could enjoy things more fully

but being all these things, wouldn't make me the me i am today who has a bunch of great friends and has fun
but still you can't stop wanting things right? :x