Sunday, July 4, 2010


I found out today that my name has another meaning according to Wikipedia
and that is

origin: Irish/Dutch


a star and a butterfly.


i wonder if i've left my cocoon and grown to become a butterfly yet...
a butterfly and a star tattoo :O i wonder hehe 

"u're like a star out of reach,
u're like a butterfly, only pretty when u're free"
- nj

did you know anwyl loves stars? just like some slut loves strawberries 
and some partyboy loves the number 21 and some pureboy loves the colour green and dumplings  
and some orange loves MR2s :)
pretty cool don't you think?
people and their random obsessions :)

shopping today, semi-successful 
few more days left. 


in other's eyes, you may be nothing,
but in mine, you are everything,
you may not be perfect in their eyes,
but in mine, you are.
you may not be what i had expected,
not what i had in mind, my ideal prince charming, 
but in the end, i guess you can't help the spark,
the chemistry between us is undeniable.


you're my bestfriend.
and that is forever.
i will not accept no as an answer.
because to me,
you are perfection.