Tuesday, October 12, 2010


from tomorrow,

no junk food
fast food - i.e. maccas, hjs, kfc

if i get hungry, going to drink water!

try and have 3 proper meals :)
roast vegetable foccacia ftw !!
edens :)

fresh and healthy :):)

change is great :)
when you know it's for the best :)

v.cut down

on eating so much :(
i'm going to grow sideways :(

on being so slack
exams are just around the corner and barely know anything!
gotta start focusing and figuring out a study plan

on sleeping so much
my body clock is so stupid
i sleep soooo much that i'm so tired all the time and can sleep anytime
even if i sleep early, like 9/10/11pm i still snooze for like 2 hours :(
bad bad bad

on being so unhealthy
i gotta start exercising! and drinking more water and less alcohol, my skin is dying =[

so much to change :(
easier said than done, one step at a time i guess...