Friday, June 18, 2010


the pain is still yet to come..
it's going to wear off soon

for jen kan,
the sun will come out tomorrow
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
there'll be sun!
just thinkin' about tomorrow
clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
'til there's none!

i hate being left out =[
everyone is getting drunk =[
i'm at home by myself =[
i guess it'll just be a movie/drama night 
hopefully i won't get too bored too fast =[

thank you jen kan and sss for the rides :)


why do you have a hold on me?

I can get so angry at you
on the phone.

but when I see your face,
I forget why I was angry.

I hate you.


it's amazing how much we've changed. 

high school will always be a great and happy memory :)
our awesome lunchtimes - our EPIC feasts! bringing in food from home! best lunches ever! who can forget the antics of Miss Melinda Wong never mix this girl with food. 
Melinda Wong + food = not a pretty sight + not a very happy ness
in between class in the locker roomannie + jess + locker room = rape, ness + jess + locker room = rape 
during class - letters, notes, getting told off for talking too much, planning trips :$
outside of class - bubbletea, debating, karaoke, timezone :)
everything in high school was a joy :) 

one strawberry slut asked if i could change anything in high school, what would it be?
i answered nothing :) there's nothing i would change. 
i wouldn't trade those memories made with those girls for anything. we may have had our ups and downs, we may be pretty much different to the bone, each of us, but we're still the pc girls :) 
no matter if we're apart or together:) 
the seven of us :)

i miss you angel.i miss you jess.i miss you mel.i miss you twin.i miss you annie.i miss you jackie.i miss chi.che.cho.i miss charsiew.sarsiew.i miss ken&koh.i miss hunnybunchkins.
i miss us all together :(
i miss the way we were :(

sago said we were the wannabe new wfc last year :O 
i miss you sago!


you seem to know your way around,
to twist and turn through the loopholes,
always able to make your presence known in my life,
i don't think i'll ever be rid of you,
not that i would want that to happen either :)


don't twist my words into your own.
don't twist the story in your favour.
don't twist the way things are meant to be.

grow up.