Monday, December 13, 2010


so lately our perfection has entered our lives but things don't seem to be going to plan =\
i guess even if they are our perfection it doesn't mean we are theirs. all we can do is try and change to be their perfection and hopefully they will be ours :) 
whether it be shedding a few more kilos, changing our hairstyle, wearing things differently, changing the way we walk and talk just for it being fake? or is it really just bettering ourselves?

whatever it is, perfection for each of us seems to really exist and whatever your goals are my dear i'm sure you'll be able to achieve since he's a want and need you cannot live without :x  you've been able to have a taste and there's nothing wrong with wanting more :$ *giggle* 

leaving early tomorrow morning for bangkok and singapore hopefully to hong kong for a few days too :) it'd be interesting to party it up with the asia crowd they seem like a pretty lively bunch haha. sago is still deciding between taiwan and summerdayze i think =\ i want to buy new heels and dresses...wldn't mind boots too but it's not winter in bangkok or ever -.- wlda been fun to count down for new years together with the girls but i guess there is always next year :)