Sunday, May 9, 2010

V.Mother's Day

an ode to you =)

To our sweet little mummy
Sometimes it may not be clear to see,
How much you mean to us
You give us such glee

How happy we are as a family
Whenever together at karaoke
Especially when you hear the songs
Of your dear old Georgie

Though we always want more
You never seem to fail
To tell us another one of your tales
To teach us lessons from your elders before
You are one of the only people we will ever truly adore

To each of your hearts
Only you have the key
No other boy or girl
Will ever replace thee

Today is Mother’s Day
You bring the sunshine to our rain
We love you forever
Our dearest, darling Elaine

bring it on daddy ;)

on another note.

Probability Assignment - completed

Calc Test - completed

Java Lab - completed

Micro Essay - still in progress

ITF Group Assignment - TBA (to be attempted)

Probability Study - TBA

Java Project - TBA

study may study may


they broke up.
they met up a couple years later.
he asks her "how are you?"
she replies "good"
he asks her "how is he?"
she replies "good"
she asks him "how are you?"
he replies "good"
she asks him "how is she?"
he replies "she just told me she's good.."

one of my all time favourites... <3


i rhymed for the first time in a long while
its nice to make a person smile :)
i should find a way to keep them all in a pile
maybe i should print them
and keep them in a book
so in a few years time
when i have a look
i'll remember these times
when we were young and free
to do pretty much whatever we please
good night and good morning
to everyone awake or asleep
for when we rise and shine
its a day for our mothers
who we get to cherish and keep =)

Happy Mother's Day <3