Thursday, July 22, 2010


when will it all make sense.
i really don't know what i want
too many thoughts that run through my mind
too many factors to consider
when will it quieten

what i have in mind, what i want, what i believe i need, what i think i deserve, what i think i don't, what i live for, who i live for


  • mee goreng.
  • eggs.
  • bacon.
  • alcohol.
roadtrip has caused a lot of things >.<


heights are not my favourite thing on this planet,
i don't especially like fast moving things either.
but the 2 together is beautiful..
Rollercoasters <3


passing out too often isn't very good,
because if you're heaps heavy (like me :$)
it's going to be really hard for people
to move you to a more comfy place
apologies. :)
heavy rain is an epic game !


heavily drugged up.
habits need to change before uni starts.
ahh gg me.


it's hard to recover what has been lost,
even though you may want it that badly,
it'll only return (if it does) in pieces.


i think i might be recovering from my crisis.
it's actually nothing after all.
provided it doesn't happen again.