Sunday, August 22, 2010


you assume too much and the amount of crap you give to one over the other is unfair.
both are in the wrong, whether one is expected to act this way and is predictable doesn't justify that the other is more wrong because they 'should' know better.
you assume that that person knows and observes but really that person knows shit all. that person doesn't live life analyzing every single thing that comes their way. that person lives life as it comes and doesn't realise what happens to them until it turns into one messy mess. then that person is left in a cycle with loose ends and no closure.

time is off the essence. figure it out for yourself.


now is the time to know, now is the time to make a decision,
now is the time for you to discover what you want with him,
it's your choice at the end of the day
and what you choose will change things no matter what.


it's a lot harder slacking when you have a billion things to do a day.
everything has to be done NOW.
now. now. now.
now-me has so many problems that i cannot rely on future-me like i used to.
average. =( fruits

apple failed and went to metros before the date clearly stated :( but it was worth it :)
metros was really good last night! barely any trance at all! yay to california girls! jess came out with me for jackie! i hope they had a good time :):) epic love to dearest jackie who brought her whole till ;)
orange went missing :( plum got caught up -.- apple was told to go save plum but then got told to f-off by strawberry.

next weekend....ronnie/zhida/sarahs :) the 20s:)