Thursday, September 16, 2010

cause of death?

i think i will die from cancer.
i reckon that at the rate i'm going something is bound to come up.
guess better listen to angel and get a check up e v e r y  y e a r ! Y A Y =)
i hope that if i were to die it would be much older, 
so that if i have kids, they're all old enough to take care of themselves,
if i were to die young, i'd rather not have a relationship, i'd rather be alone.
but let's hope for the best shall we?:)


i would like to die of old age
or something natural
but i think i might die of this cough, 
if it doesn't get fixed soon.. =/


Day 16 - Someone that's not in your state/country.

i remember you,
how could i ever forget?
endless lunchtimes where we were speaking our own language to the other,
which progressed onto lunchtimes where we attempted at speaking each other's language to each other.

i thought our friendship would last forever,
but i also knew, eventually,
the day would come when you'd have to leave.

we tried to keep in touch for most of the time
and you still tried to come back to visit us when you had the time and money,
to be honest i miss you.

you were a lot of fun to be around
and you provided me with a lot of comfort whenever i needed it.

hopefully we'll be as close as we were in the future one day,



i realised i haven't blogged about minq.

although the dj was good...i wanted to shoot the president >=(
major major >=(
music was good tho :)
the kinda music i would want at metros hehe =]
the games were semi-ish fail...but worked out in the end.
the food competition made me realise how hard it is to like swallow moon cake o.O

angel got drunk.
jess and i took a bagillion photos
jackie jess and i took a bagillion photos
jackie and jess came late >=(

but it made my day when a random lady was like" you have really nice legs and i rarely check out girls" =$
white people :x they know how to make you blush =$

the fortune cookie game would have been good if it had been pulled off properly =\

but...what can you do! guess plan better next year aye!
2011 what will it bring :o sixteen

dear gwen,

i wonder how you're doing where you are
are you finding it boring as usual?
nothing new in your life? no guys? nothing at all???? :(
i hope you find something interesting that will keep you happy and bubbly :)
well, a lots happened i guess for me ! but we can talk about that when i go back :)
how is your brother? has he come out yet? :x
when is he due to go in for service? :O

it's so cold in perth :( yet i still wear what i wear in summer >.<
i've received so many names this year...

:( i think the list will keep getting larger 

i miss you!~
we shall catch up soon =]
love me