Sunday, November 20, 2011

sweet tooth

omg :( this year i have such a huge sweet tooth !

wonder if it's cos tricia picked up baking :x

mmm cake and icecream ftw!

sago lets go find a dessert buffet! you get the cheesecake i'll get the icecream! WHOOPWHOOP

if you dated yourself, what would you be insecure about?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

it's weird how some people affect us. it's not something you can really explain.

its a feeling you can't put into words. there may be facts and legit reasons as to why you should or shouldn't care, but regardless of facts or reasons, that care factor will exist.

if people ask you, why you care or why do we still let certain people affect us, we can only answer with 'i don't know'.

do you think that the only way to stop caring is to replace them?

but still, it'll never be quite exactly the same as how it was with them.


Monday, November 14, 2011


if i got a small tattoo for the important people in my life or each person who has made a huge impact on it, i wonder what i'd get to remind me of them.
if i keep caring less, what will i ever end up caring about?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


i want to go back,
back to when it was happy days,
where nothing caused us sadness,

hopefully this is just a phase.

happy were the days when we were all together :)

hello quarter life crisis

when overthinking kills,
your expectations haven't been met,
you aren't where you thought you'd be,
and happily ever after doesn't exist.