Friday, May 21, 2010


people are oh so very angry these days.
maybe its because we keep it all inside for too long and we've reached our limit.
maybe its because we want something else to do, something else to see, something else that will grab our attention but we just can't seem to escape from what is bringing us sadness.
so really we're clueless =s

drinking really isn't a smart idea for 'nice' guys.
'nice' guys usually are the most dangerous when alcohol is flowing through their veins.
why? because they keep things all bottled up and once they let loose...
they epic rage and go...

shopping was fail. dresses are major fail this season.
i think i'll start lowering expectations so things seem to be better than expected!

tomorrow night should be interesting =]
i wonder if our attempt at having a non-black dress night will be semi-successful. i think some of us need some colour to brighten up our lives.

oh! and jen proposes we all go roller blading after exams at the rollerdrome! =D

happy birthday arthur !


one "hi",
one hug,
one smile,
one nod,
one act of acknowledgement,

one minute,
one moment,
one conversation,
one move,
one word.

it's all so easy..

why isnt it working for us..?