Monday, July 5, 2010


i'm not going to jump,
if you aren't going to be there to catch me,
i'm not going to take the risk,
unless i know for sure.
it's not that i just want to know,
it's that i need to


"jump for joy!"
gg my foot.
no more jumping for jackie =(


when you finish last, it's not a very nice feeling, but sometimes, you end up being thankful.
thankful that you never had to endure the hardships that would have soon come along,
thankful that you were given the chance to open your eyes and clear your vision,
thankful that your friends were there to help you, your true friends show thin times of doubt, in times of need, your friends show their true colours 


last night in HK
i guess i bought what was necessary =\
a few new dresses, skirts, pair of heels <3
tomorrow singapore and a day in malaysia.